_____________Comic created for use as an educational tool for students. Commissioned by unlearn.

Pages from an upcoming short comic

Short comic inspired by Arkane Lyon's DEATHLOOP

Not So Comic
A series of daily comics of being not so good at doing things

Fruit Candy Packaging
A series of illustrative fruit candy packaging. Created as a personal project.

Huevember 2020
A series of illustrations created for the November 30-day art challenge Huevember, created by Matthieu Daures.


Rollers of the Realm: Reunion
Client: Phantom CompassRollers of the Realm: Reunion is a pinball action game and the second installment of the Rollers of the Realm franchise. The logo was created as a fresh revamp of its predecessor.

Wanderer's Journal
Wanderer's Journal is a fantasy fiction podcast about Marigold and Pluto, two people from different backgrounds, and their unlikely friendship formed through a magical journal that links them.Cover art and icons commissioned by producer Lumi Oakes





People Not Prisons
An academic assignment to create a branding guideline for a fictitious solution to a social issue. This project focuses on the abolition of prisons through direct action, public education and mutual aid, shedding light on the damage caused by incarceration and the advocacy of strengthening communities.Resources from Toronto Prisoners' Rights Project and the Toronto Abolition Convergence.

Regalia for the Wretched
An independent art collection of illustrations and merchandise of monsters and creatures in the finest of fashion from over 50+ contributors, Regalia for the Wretched was organized by a small team of designers, artists and fellow fans of the macabre.Branding, concepting, promotional graphics and print layout were prepared by CJ Tanuan.Wordmark lettering by Madeline C.B.

TFCon Rebrand
An academic assignment to rebrand an existing local festival or convention, maintaining the integrity of the original brand while refreshing its look, complete with a new logo and accompanying brand guide for logo application, colour and type palettes.Not associated with TFcon or any of its affiliates.